A Sound Piece Of Advice ALL Should Adopt!


You just come into a sh*t load of money ...as  someone...say the IRS.... owed you! $US25,000! You're rich! Yippeee!

Now what are you going to do with it!?

"Oh,ahh... buy a new TV,a PS4,drugs,alcohol"
- Sh*t you don't really need!

You might piss it up against the wall! (slang for wasting it on alcohol or drugs),buying your mates all they want,who after you've got nothing;ride off into the sunset,never to be seen again,until you can supply them more drugs or alcohol!

You dumb f n snow flake! You dumb c**t!   

That is why the poor are always poor! 

Why don't you,if you're in this situation; having gotten a mass amount of cash from somewhere,use it more wisely!?

If you're renting a flat or apartment,why don't you pay the rent forward so you'll be in advance,or ahead!? Pay the power ahead,any entertainment you might have (as everyone likes to be entertained - because it kills boredom!)
i.e. I have Sky TV and the internet.
So I paid the rent $125.00 per week / $500 a month, $6000 a year....
Or as someone else suggested,get direct debit,leave that cash in the bank,so it then goes out every week! Great option!
So you'll be ahead,have no worries and free up your money you're earning each week, if you have a full time job!

You must have some sort of income or incoming, that replaces (or helps pay for,build up that outgoing - money going out to pay the bills every week/month!) Because if you don't,very soon that fortune that you've amassed, will dry up!

This method that I realized, stopped others - family members, friends, strangers - freeloaders etc - asking me for a loan,they promised to pay back in a month. They then didn't, breaking their promise, and took forever to pay it back! Making many excuses not to.
When they ring and ask for a loan, grow some big as balls,and tell them:

"Hey I can't; as my money's all tied up in a Budgeting system or in the bank and paying the bills in advance,put me way ahead in regard to my expenses! now; in  doing so, I have freedom from stress or worry over not having enough money to cover my weekly/monthly expenses!!"

 Family may then get irate,cuss you,disown you,but hey f**k them! This tells me,they then don't really give a poop about you,all they care about is how much they can fleece from you! They're selfish-perhaps have an online gambling addiction or habit etc. I have family that borrows - but they always hint,boast - at me they're qualified,so therefore "know it all",earn $25 an hour in their job,can afford to travel the world (using a credit service," - "travel now- pay us back later' - with interest"). And they say I should get a job like they have, and dictate I follow as they do as they're in the money!

No!! They're in debt all the time,they keep jumping from job to job because they're chasing the higher wage they're never going to get,or keep for very long. I'd have to be a retard to want to drop all I'm doing, and follow their totally insane method!

When you amass a huge truck load of money from somewhere, remember my advice...

"For a fool and his money are soon parted!"

As I'd rephrase it - The fool with his money (throwing it every motherf**ker begging for it) will soon be PARTED FROM IT!"


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